浪潮翻涌,唯变不变。二十年前,紧紧把握时代机遇,一群教育先行者怀着由衷的期望与祝福为这所前所未有的新型大学命名;二十年后,同样承载着无数人的关切与厚望,这所行至冠礼之年的年轻大学将以崭新的名字继续奔赴灿烂前程—— 你好,这里是 北师香港浸会大学
学校新标识保留 原标识的外形结构, 体现历史传承, 并以字母组合“BNBU” 传达焕新后的校名英文简称。
“B、N、B、U” 同时分别代表: Beacon (中国式博雅教育的引领者) Nexus (连结教学、研究、创新的核心枢纽) Bridge (融汇中西,搭建跨学科、跨文化的桥梁) Universality (培育具备专业素养和探索精神的国际化人才) “遗憾”摘下“最长校名高校”的桂冠,这所大学还有许多荣光值得珍藏,未来更加值得期待。
We are now Beijing Normal-Hong Kong Baptist University (BNBU)
In March 2025, Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College (UIC), a joint venture between Beijing Normal University and Hong Kong Baptist University, officially renamed itself Beijing Normal-Hong Kong Baptist University (BNBU).
The new logo for the university retains the structural form of the original one, representing historical continuity. Meanwhile, the combination of letters "BNBU" conveys the new English abbreviation of its name after its renaming.
The four letters also respectively signify that the university is a Beacon, guiding and inspiring the development of liberal arts education in China; and a central Nexus in research, teaching, learning, and innovation. Meanwhile, BNBU functions as a Bridge for interdisciplinary and intercultural exchange, merging the essence of Chinese and Western cultures; and is dedicated to promoting the Universality of knowledge and curiosity, with a focus on nurturing future leaders with a global perspective.
As the first full-scale cooperation in higher education between the Chinese Mainland and Hong Kong, a pioneering cohort embarked on a mission to diversify Chinese higher education by establishing the first modern college dedicated to liberal arts education in China.
Through relentless efforts, BNBU has evolved from its original campus at 28 Jinfeng Road to a university town at 2000 Jintong Road. From initially admitting fewer than 300 new students, it now boasts a global alumni network of approximately 20,000 individuals.
Looking ahead, BNBU will persist in building a premier liberal arts university in the Chinese mainland, cultivating well-rounded talents with national sentiments and global perspectives. The university will keep on utilising resources in the Greater Bay Area, promoting communication and collaboration between the two parent institutions, while advancing its international development. Upholding its student-centred philosophy, BNBU will continue to prioritise the principle of education and unlock the potential of every individual.
Now, please welcome BNBU, Beijing Normal-Hong Kong Baptist University. Together, we will shape the future, redefine education, and create a world of endless possibilities. The story of BNBU is just beginning, and we are excited to write the next chapter with you.
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